Calendar si Evenimente

INSIDE JOURNEY project at the end
INSIDE JOURNEY at the end of the project The “Inside Journey” project took place in Braşov, between 01.08.2014 and 31.11.2015, and involved 4 international volunteers coming from the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Spain. The international volunteers were hosted by our organization in the frame of the European Voluntary Service. Maria from Germany, Thomas from the Netherlands, Mirco from Italy and Vero from
Posted in Activities, Activities for Adults, Activities for Children, Board-game-evenings, Entertaining Workshops, Entertaining workshops, European Voluntary Service, Events, Festivals, I volunteer, you?, Outdoor Activities, Outdoor activities, Parents and children at play, Programs play, Projects, What we do
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INSIDE RIDE- Main Activities and Results
INSIDE RIDE project focuses on young people living in Brasov and a small town, Intorsura Buzaului, and it takes place between 01.08.2014 and 31.11.2015. The aim of the project was twofold: by implementing different non-formal education methods raising awareness about cultural and environmental richness, and contributing to personal development of these young people. Four international volunteers: Maija from Latvia, Daniel

RESHAPE URBAN PLACES – end of the project
RESHAPE URBAN PLACES project takes place between 01.08.2014 – 31.11.2015 in Brasov, Romania. In frame of this project, Remi from Germany, Egle from Lithuania, Ina from Germany and Pierre from France spent 11 months in Romania, between 01.10.2014- 31.08.2015. The project aimed to promote handicrafts, traditional art and an environmental- friendly thinking among the youngsters of Brasov. Main project aims:

EVS de poveste: the story of international volunteers
Summer is coming to the end, as the projects Inside Journey, Inside Ride and Reshape Urban Places. That means that the international volunteers are about to leave, but before that we want to do a summary of what has happended during these 11 months in Romania, but in a playful way, following the essence of all Mirakolix activities. On the

Impressions from the festival CEVA DE VARĂ, 18-19th of July 2015
Also this year ”CEVA DE VARĂ” was something ….different! If you would like to have an overview about the summer festival days which we spent in the area of the former camping from Întorsura Buzăului, we kindly invite you for a trip through the different festival areas: Info Point Area: just entering the festival area, and in both sides, you could find

Impressions Tabara Ceva de Vara
During the week before the festival CEVA DE VARA, that is, from the 14th to the 17th of July, 2015, it took place a static camp in Acriș, nearby Întorsura Buzăului, where CEVA DE VARA was held. The main aim was to create a group who would take care of the area of the festival and the activities, doing some
Posted in Activities, Activities for Adults, Activities for Children, Blog, Board-game-evenings, Educational projects, Entertaining Workshops, Entertaining workshops, European Voluntary Service, Events, Festivals, I volunteer, you?, Outdoor Activities, Outdoor activities, Programs play, Projects, Social projects, What we do
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Last year “Mira’kologic” was brought into being, a small eco campaign to raise environmental awareness. As our organisation is always eager to keep an environment-friendly attitude the first “ceva de vara” festival was the perfect possibility to involve that mentality. This year we pick up the idea of “Mira’kologic” again. Many want to do something for their environment without

Ceva de Vara Mountain Bike Competition
Moutain Bike Contest : During our festival Ceva de Vara, the bike contest will take place on sunday 19th at 12.00. You are all welcome to participate. The track will mainly goes through forest and hills around our festival place in In Torsura Buzaului. If you want to enjoy a nice race in nice aera, you are welcome there

During the week before the festival CEVA DE VARA, that is, from the 14th to the 17th of July, 2015, will take place a static camp in Acriș, nearby Întorsura Buzăului, where CEVA DE VARA will be held. The main aim is to create a group who will take care of the area of the festival and the activities, doing