Calendar si Evenimente

INSIDE JOURNEY project at the end
INSIDE JOURNEY at the end of the project The “Inside Journey” project took place in Braşov, between 01.08.2014 and 31.11.2015, and involved 4 international volunteers coming from the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Spain. The international volunteers were hosted by our organization in the frame of the European Voluntary Service. Maria from Germany, Thomas from the Netherlands, Mirco from Italy and Vero from
Posted in Activities, Activities for Adults, Activities for Children, Board-game-evenings, Entertaining Workshops, Entertaining workshops, European Voluntary Service, Events, Festivals, I volunteer, you?, Outdoor Activities, Outdoor activities, Parents and children at play, Programs play, Projects, What we do
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EVS de poveste: the story of international volunteers
Summer is coming to the end, as the projects Inside Journey, Inside Ride and Reshape Urban Places. That means that the international volunteers are about to leave, but before that we want to do a summary of what has happended during these 11 months in Romania, but in a playful way, following the essence of all Mirakolix activities. On the

Ceva de Vară 2015
The sun already arrived at Brasov, and we can feel that summer is really close. Then, why not having a full weekend festival and having a great time? This year we are going further and instead of just one day festival, we have decided to organize it during the all weekend, starting on Friday evening. The festival will take place

Braşov de poveste – Outside in the park in a fairytale city
Between May and August 2015, Mirakolix presents “Braşov de poveste”. Through different outdoor activities and workshops, we’ll create a fairytale which will bring us to the festival Ceva de Vara. There will be one installation in which you can experience with all your senses a fairytale and five different fairytale lands with diverse activities. The fairytale lands are designed as steps to

Post event – festivalul CEVA DE VARĂ 2014
Sâmbătă pe 19 iulie 2014 zona Camping din Întorsura Buzăului s-a transformat într-un spațiu imens de activități alternative: tir cu arcul, jonglerii, improvizații muzicale, slackline, frisbee, trasee senzoriale, concursuri de mountainbike și orientare, un derdeluș cu apă și săpun, desene nocturne în nisip și multe altele. Peste 500 de copii și tineri din Brașov, Sibiu, Cluj, București, Întorsura Buzăului și

Joi de joi – Free Parking Brașov -Parcul Tractorul
Ne pregătim pentru o vară activă şi relaxantă in parc! Mirakolix va fi în Parcul Tractorul în fiecare dupa-amiază de joi cu activităţi pentru toate vârstele. De când? Începând din 26 iunie 2014 și până la final de luna august. În prima joi, în 26.06 vrem să avem ceva mai multă muzică. Poate reuşim şi să cântăm împreună? Sportul şi

Free Parking
FREE PARKING – Enjoy one free afternoon in the park, free of charge. We will provide activities for the whole family; you just have to bring your kids, family or friends and food for a picnic. So meet us in the centre of the park and enjoy; Workshops; Earth Art; Frisbee; Bike contest for the kids* and other sports activities. When: