Calendar si Evenimente

INSIDE JOURNEY project at the end
INSIDE JOURNEY at the end of the project The “Inside Journey” project took place in Braşov, between 01.08.2014 and 31.11.2015, and involved 4 international volunteers coming from the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Spain. The international volunteers were hosted by our organization in the frame of the European Voluntary Service. Maria from Germany, Thomas from the Netherlands, Mirco from Italy and Vero from
Posted in Activities, Activities for Adults, Activities for Children, Board-game-evenings, Entertaining Workshops, Entertaining workshops, European Voluntary Service, Events, Festivals, I volunteer, you?, Outdoor Activities, Outdoor activities, Parents and children at play, Programs play, Projects, What we do
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Impressions Tabara Ceva de Vara
During the week before the festival CEVA DE VARA, that is, from the 14th to the 17th of July, 2015, it took place a static camp in Acriș, nearby Întorsura Buzăului, where CEVA DE VARA was held. The main aim was to create a group who would take care of the area of the festival and the activities, doing some
Posted in Activities, Activities for Adults, Activities for Children, Blog, Board-game-evenings, Educational projects, Entertaining Workshops, Entertaining workshops, European Voluntary Service, Events, Festivals, I volunteer, you?, Outdoor Activities, Outdoor activities, Programs play, Projects, Social projects, What we do
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During the week before the festival CEVA DE VARA, that is, from the 14th to the 17th of July, 2015, will take place a static camp in Acriș, nearby Întorsura Buzăului, where CEVA DE VARA will be held. The main aim is to create a group who will take care of the area of the festival and the activities, doing

Un alt Weekend Diferit
Do you remember when we told you about ‘Un Weekend Diferit’? Didn’t it sound like a very beautiful event? We thought so! Therefore, we decided to make another weekend like this. On 29th of May many Întorsura youngsters came to play some board games with us! We were sitting outside and enjoying the springtime until it got too cold and

PLAYRIDE project results
PLAYRIDE project took place in Brasov, Romania between 01.08.2013- 31.10.2014 and involved 5 volunteers from Lithuania, Czech Republic, France, Germany and The Netherlands. The 5 volunteers (Milda from Lithuania, Kathrin from Germany, Michal from Czech Republic, Coen from the Netherlands and Simon from France) spent between the 01.09.2013-31.08.2014 their European Voluntary Service in Romania, at the host organization: Game Center

”CEVA DE VARĂ 2014” Festival
ARE YOU READY FOR SUMMER? Let’s have some fun together! Join us in Întorsura for a FREE day full of summery activities: * Belly slides * Water fights * Sports * Music performances * Theatre plays * Campfires * Star-gazing * Kite-flying * and MUCH MORE! WHAT Mirakolix is planning a one day Festival to celebrate the end of the

Serviciul European de Voluntariat
Serviciul European de Voluntariat este o oportunitate extraordinară pentru tinerii care își doresc să fie voluntari într-o țară straină: să se implice activ pentru o cauză, să descopere locuri minunate, să cunoască oameni și culturi diferite și să se dezvolte atât personal, cât și profesional. Serviciul European de Voluntariat face parte din programul Comisiei Europene care în perioada 2014-2020 poartă