Calendar si Evenimente

Impressions from the festival CEVA DE VARĂ, 18-19th of July 2015
Also this year ”CEVA DE VARĂ” was something ….different! If you would like to have an overview about the summer festival days which we spent in the area of the former camping from Întorsura Buzăului, we kindly invite you for a trip through the different festival areas: Info Point Area: just entering the festival area, and in both sides, you could find

Ceva de Vara Mountain Bike Competition
Moutain Bike Contest : During our festival Ceva de Vara, the bike contest will take place on sunday 19th at 12.00. You are all welcome to participate. The track will mainly goes through forest and hills around our festival place in In Torsura Buzaului. If you want to enjoy a nice race in nice aera, you are welcome there

Romanian Catan Championship 2014
On the 15th to 16th of November the Romanian National Championship of Catan took place in Cercul Militar in Brasov. And also Centrul De Jocuri Mirakolix took part in this event, although, not as organizers or participants of the championship. This year we wanted to promote our new activities and workshops from Brașov area. Along with other organizations Mirakolix volunteers