
Romanian Catan Championship 2014

On the 15th to 16th of November the Romanian National Championship of Catan took place in Cercul Militar in Brasov. And also Centrul De Jocuri Mirakolix took part in this event, although, not as organizers or participants of the championship. This year we wanted to promote our new activities and workshops from Brașov area. Along with other organizations Mirakolix volunteers

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„Inside Ride” project will take place in Brasov, between 01.08.2014 and 31.11.2015. During 11 month in this period, 4 international volunteers coming from the Netherlands, Latvia and Germany will work together with the organization members, local volunteers and local youth workers to inspire an „inside” journey: in the local communities, and inside themselves, for self-development and self-awareness. The activities from

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The project will take place in Brasov, Romania and it will involve 4 European volunteers(from France, Germany and Lithuania) for a period of 11 months, between 1.10.2014 and 31.08.2015. Reshape Urban Places is a project through which we want to increase awareness about traditions and handcrafts and bring them into the city life (for ex. rethinking the green parks with

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Science Playgrounds results

“Science Playgrounds” took place in Brasov between January 2014- October 2014. The project aimed at bringing science closer to children and youngsters, and present it as an attractive element in understanding the world around us. The two EVS volunteers involved in the project (Kristine from Denmark, and Maria from Spain) developed and implemented different in- and outdoor playful workshops, experiments

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CEVA DE VARĂ – Our Festival

The Workshop Area From the beginning to the end, the workshop area was full of life. Placed in the middle of the festival area, with the stage and music in the back, relaxing area and slack line to the side and food area in the middle, people was crossing the area, playing and enjoying all the interesting workshop taking place.

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”CEVA DE VARĂ 2014” Festival

ARE YOU READY FOR SUMMER? Let’s have some fun together! Join us in Întorsura for a FREE day full of summery activities: * Belly slides * Water fights * Sports * Music performances * Theatre plays * Campfires * Star-gazing * Kite-flying * and MUCH MORE! WHAT Mirakolix is planning a one day Festival to celebrate the end of the

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Free Parking - 15 may 2014

Free Parking

FREE PARKING – Enjoy one free afternoon in the park, free of charge. We will provide activities for the whole family; you just have to bring your kids, family or friends and food for a picnic. So meet us in the centre of the park and enjoy; Workshops; Earth Art; Frisbee; Bike contest for the kids* and other sports activities. When:

Posted in Activities, European Voluntary Service, Events, Events for children, Outdoor Activities, Outdoor activities, Parents and children at play | Leave a comment

Casa Familiale Întorsura Buzăului

The Casa Familiale in Întorsura Buzăului is hosting 12 children, two small girls, 4 and 7 years old, 2 older girls, 18 and 20 years old, 2 small boys, 7 years old and 6 boys from 14-17 years old. The atmosphere is really warm and the children are really curious about our activities, they are also proposing a lot of activities

Posted in Activities, Activities for Adults, Activities for Children, Entertaining Workshops, Entertaining workshops, European Voluntary Service, Outdoor Activities, Outdoor activities, Programs play, Projects, Social projects | Leave a comment

Scoala Altfel 2014

Scoala Altfel – a week in April where schools in the whole country did different kind of non-formal education activities. Also the Mirakolix team took part in it and went to different schools. In the Gypsy primary school Floroaia Mica in Intorsura Buzaului we had a workshop about a tradition of the Catalonian love day, where we made different kinds

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Birthday Calendar for the Casa Familiale

We created over some weeks a birthday calendar for the house, we combined this activity with some games in the mean time. The children divided the tasks, like creating, writing things, decorating and putting everything together in the end. All the children were included and we enjoyed the time together while the weather was not suitable for outside activities.

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