Floraia Mică

There is one more thing you should know about Inside Ride project group. Every other Tuesday (when they are not going to the orphanage) they still go to Întorsura Buzăului (and this time with a really, really early train) to visit the primary school Floraia Mică there.

When we remember the first time there, smile arises in our faces. The kids were already waiting for us outside the school and when we came they stood all around us, smiled, greeted and asked how we are. Where else could we be so warmly welcomed?

And this was a sunny, beautiful day. We hadn’t expected that there would be so many children. And all of them so active and smiley. Check out how Grytine is „conducting a choir”!

We have cut snowflakes and made bird feeders together with them. You’ll not believe how easy it is. Check it out here and here.

We have also discovered so many things about seasons and what characterizes them.

What else? Oh, yes! We made puzzle together! How? Well, we gave each child a nice, colorful piece of a puzzle to draw on. They were supposed to draw what they are doing outside of school. After they had finished drawing we saw some princesses there. That made us think.

And when the drawings were finished it was time to put all the puzzle pieces together. Look, how colorful these puzzles were.

But we didn’t stop there! The winter is a bit tiring, so we are desperately waiting for sun and warmth because we want to go outside. And we use every opportunity to do so. Therefore, the last time when we went to Floraia Mică, after we had made some small, funny balls (of balloons and rice) with which we played games inside,  we took few balloons and went outside to do some competition, some relay race there!

In March we have somehow managed to become really musical. Both times when we visited Floraia Mică (10th and 24th of March) we made musical instruments together with the kids. First time they were panflutes made of cocktail straws and shakers made of toilet paper inner rolls. And the second time we made some nice castanets using cardboard and glass bottle caps. Check out how musical these kids are!

And what did the April bring?

We went to Floraia on 7th of April. It was durinf Non-formal education week. It was so non-formal that there were almost no kids at school! We entered one of the classrooms and didn’t meet anybody there. So, we decided to go to another classroom where we found about 10 kids who were quite happy to see us.

What did we bring to them? Well, it was a time between two Easters – the catholic one and the orthodox one. So, we thouht to offer something Easter-ish. The kids could train their knowledge of numbers and explaining skills by playing the Easter bingo. It’s like a regular bingo, but sometimes the numbers are replaced with colorful drawing of bunnies, eggs and flowers!

In the end everybody got a chocolate candy in egg shape!

But on the 28th of April when we visited them again, we brought them outside because in so good weather it’s a sin to stay inside. We had some nice games in mind which required some explanations. We understood that bilingual explanations is a bit too much of concentration for them, so in the end they taught a game to us! We played ‘Ţară, ţară, vrem ostaşi!’ and made a train (with all the sound effects) in the school-yard.

On the 12th of May echipa Inside Ride went to the kids to color their day in all the colors of rainbow! We like to keep connection with seasons in whatever we are doing. So, what colors do we have in spring?We got red cheeks from running, the sun was shining in its brightest yellow, a lot of colors were displayed on the green blackboard and our papers turned brown from all the little and big steps on them!”

Believe it or not, 28th of May was the last Floraia visiting time for us. But it’s not like we’re going away now. We still have some time to spend in Întorsura! To organize Ceva de Vară. Therefore, we tried to plant in their minds this nice summer idea by asking what summeris to them and what they would like to happen in it!



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