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Daily Archives: November 6, 2015
The Cineforum Collection
This is an overview of the movies we have projected during the project Inside Journey and how they can broaden the horizon of the youngsters’ minds. The short movie descriptions were realised by Thomas van Uden – coordinator of the Cineforum sessions … Continue reading
INSIDE JOURNEY project at the end
INSIDE JOURNEY at the end of the project The “Inside Journey” project took place in Braşov, between 01.08.2014 and 31.11.2015, and involved 4 international volunteers coming from the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Spain. The international volunteers were hosted by our organization in … Continue reading
Posted in Activities, Activities for Adults, Activities for Children, Board-game-evenings, Entertaining Workshops, Entertaining workshops, European Voluntary Service, Events, Festivals, I volunteer, you?, Outdoor Activities, Outdoor activities, Parents and children at play, Programs play, Projects, What we do
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