Calendar si Evenimente

Ina Rossmann – Germania
My decision to do EVS was determined by the wish to experience a restart in a strange country that I have little knowledge of and to work in a field inexperienced to me. It was a leap into the unknown – and what I found there exceeded all expectations. Facing the challenges that come with living in a new place
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Pierre Marquet – Franţa
EVS was a wonderful experience even if it was not my first experience in Romania and abroad. I left one more year my family and friends for a year of volunteering ! I arrived in Brasov, an unknown city for me. Very peaceful and beautiful town. After one month the winter was arleady coming, also something completely new, a harsch
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My EVS – Simon (France)
Simon took part for 12 month in the PlayRide project. The main goal of PlayRide project was to promote responsible outdoor recreational activities through in- and outdoor games, in particular, and different non-formal education methods, in general, and to increase recreational activities for children and youngsters from marginalized or isolated rural communities. The project involved teaching kids and youngsters the
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My EVS – Kristine (Denkmark)
It is already August and it seems almost unreal that 6 months has already passed since I came to Romania. There is now less than 20 days back before I will head home and say goodbye to a country and friends, there has become my 2nd home and family. If people in February had asked me, why volunteering?, Why EVS, why
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My EVS – Milda (Lithuania)
One year in Romania have already passed and my volunteering service is finished. I have had an amazing time while meeting new people from all over the Europe, discovering new culture, preparing activities and learning new things. I lived in beautiful Saxon town in the middle of Romania where I worked in NGO called Mirakolix (like that magician from the
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My EVS – Michal (Czech Republic)
12 months, Brasov, Romania – playride project During my EVS in Brasov I was most of the time working wit kids at schools from isolated communities – gypsy kids and kids from small villages. We were also exploring area around Brasov and surroundings and trying to create interesting route with some points of interests. – for this we create special
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My EVS – Coen – (The Netherlands)
EVS has been an amazing experience for me as a person. To leave my home country, friends, family and home behind in pursuit for something completely different and unknown, takes already courage. But then that’s just the start. The real challenge was to live and work in a house and at an association that I had little connection with at
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My EVS – Maria (Barcelona)
I had been living in Romania during my EVS and the first days of September I came back home. It’s such a mystery how the time flies…My project is called “Science Playground” and seeks promoting science through non formal education in the villages and small communities in the center of Romania, near Brasov. Lasts for 7 months. My project colleague
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My EVS – Kathrin (Germany)
My EVS was a 12 months project called “PlayRide” with the Organization “Mirakolix” in Brasov, a beautiful city in the middle of the mountains in Romania, together with 6 other volunteers from 6 other countries. So far about the official part, my personal experience in this project was a lot more, learning various things about social work and myself, having
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Mă numesc Ioana şi am ajuns în Mirakolix in 2006, oarecum întâmplător la o seară de jocuri în Cluj, în cafeneaua Bulgakov. Am crezut iniţial că Mirakolix va fi doar cadrul în care voi avea ocazia să îmi satisfac pofta inifită de joacă. În timp am găsit în Mirakolix o sursă foarte personalizată de experienţe de învăţare, pe care le-am
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