Şezătoare urbană

Şezătoare used to be the gathering of people during cold dark and long evenings. They were meeting in a house around the table to knit, sew, weave and do some other works while sitting and talking. This kind of evenings were happening in Romania country side and some time ago… But is it possible to happen now and in the city?

The answer is YES! Şezătoare urbană workshops are going on this December at Mirakolix game center every Thursday afternoons. The ideas of these gatherings are: to learn some new techniques for reusing, recycling old materials and create something useful and atractive again; to meet like minded people and share ideas and talks.


Şezătoare urbană nr.3 workshop (on 18th of December) was about making bracelets with our teacher Gheorghe ! Cheap and handmade solution !

Here you can see some examples:


The Şezătoare urbană nr.2 (on 11th of December) was dedicated to make Christmas decorations and gifts using recycling techniques and printing on clothes was presented again.

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During Şezătoare urbană nr.1 (on 4th of December) we were learning how to print on our old clothes and fabric bags. We printed some traditional ornaments, original paintings or some names of rock bands.

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Your are welcome to come!





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