Time: 5 – 20 minutes.
Recommended age: Not determined, but the game is more for children from 4 years.
Size of group: 4 -20 people.
Time for preparation: no preparation time needed.
Material/Resources: scarf to serve as blindfold and enough space (it can be indoor and outdoor as well).
Purpose: To notice people who surrounds a person without seeing anything. Learn to concentrate on sounds, on touch and become aware of the environment around you.
Place/Location: Enough space (it can be indoor and outdoor as well).
Firstly one of the players takes another player and puts the old scarf on his/her eyes (mades a player blind hen). When someone else turns the blind hen around and around till he/she is dizzy. Thereafter the blind hen starts to find the other players. The other players stay silent (following traditional Lithuanian rules). The other people walk in the rom and when the blind hen catches one of them. He/she has to guess which person it is. If correct, the caught person will become the blind hen. If not correct, the blind hen keeps on searching, catching and guessing till the moment he/she is right.
We had lots of fun playing this game. Especially when we introduced clapping, the blind hen got really confused which made the game even more exciting. However, be careful, according to Mirco, because you will sweat a lot.