
Ceva de Vara 2015

Die Sonne ist schon angekommen in Brasov and wir können spüren, dass der Sommer sehr nahe ist. Also, warum nicht ein volles Wochenende ein schönes Festival zusammen feiern und eine großartige Zeit haben? Dieses Jahr gehen wir weiter und statt nur einen Tag das Festival zu veranstalten, haben wir uns für das ganze Wochenende entschieden, von Freitag Abend an. Das

Posted in Aktivitäten, Aktivitäten für Erwachsene, Aktivitäten für Kinder, Blog, Eltern und Kinder beim Spiel, Europäischer Freiwilligendienst, Festivals, Outdoor-Aktivitäten, Outdoor-Aktivitäten, Projekte, Soziale Projekte, Veranstaltungen, Veranstaltungen für Kinder, Was wir machen, Workshops spielerisch | Leave a comment

Baue deinen eigenen Vogelfütterer! (2)

Mache deinen eigenen Vogelfütterer aus alten Milch- oder Saftkartons, die du sonst wegwerfen würdest. Das ist einer der einfachsten Wege einen DIY-Vogelfütterer zu bauen:   Was ihr benötigt: -        einen Milch- oder Saftkarton -        Scheren -        ein Messer oder einen Nagel -        einen Marker -        Strick -        verschiedene Samen (Haferflocken, Sesamsamen, Leinsamen, Sonnenblumensamen, oder auch eine Vogelfuttermischung aus dem Supermarkt)

Posted in Aktivitäten für Kinder, Materialien für verschiedene Aktivitäten, Ressourcen, Workshops spielerisch | Leave a comment

Make a bird-feeder!

Make a bird-feeder form the toilet paper rolls you would throw away. You need: A toilet paper roll Scissors A nail or a knife A string Different kind of seeds (oat-flakes, sesame seeds, linseeds, sunflower seeds, also a mixture of bird food you can buy in a supermarket is suitable) Two wooden sticks (each 10-15 cm long) An egg, sugar

Posted in Aktivitäten, Aktivitäten für Kinder, Ressourcen, Spielerische Workshops, Was wir machen, Workshops spielerisch | Leave a comment

Mirakolix Body Percussion Orchestra

Did you ever wanted to make music but you did not have any instruments? Try using your body! During our body percussion workshop we had the chance to learn how to make music by just using your bodies and we created a flashmob on the 16th of December in the main square to promote our organisation Mirakolix and our activities! Look below to get an

Posted in Aktivitäten, Aktivitäten für Erwachsene, Aktivitäten für Kinder, Projekte, Soziale Projekte, Spielerische Workshops, Veranstaltungen, Was wir machen, Workshops spielerisch | Leave a comment

Şezătoare urbană

Şezătoare used to be the gathering of people during cold dark and long evenings. They were meeting in a house around the table to knit, sew, weave and do some other works while sitting and talking. This kind of evenings were happening in Romania country side and some time ago… But is it possible to happen now and in the

Posted in Aktivitäten für Erwachsene, Europäischer Freiwilligendienst, Workshops spielerisch | Leave a comment

Who will be an Europanaire?

Vrei sǎ fii Europanar? Who doesn‘t?! A continent full of diverse cultures, with an eventful history is waiting to be explored! We will have a relaxed afternoon with new insights, new information that you definitely won’t expect.  By implementing an interactive quiz with questions regarding European countries that we as volunteers represent, you will be provided with (almost) any information

Posted in Aktivitäten, Aktivitäten für Erwachsene, Aktivitäten für Kinder, Europäischer Freiwilligendienst, Projekte, Spielerische Workshops, Veranstaltungen, Workshops spielerisch | Leave a comment

Free Workshops : Use your body!

Use your body! Did you ever want to start training your body? Or are you curious to make music with it? Then we have got just the thing for you! During the last months we have hosted two workshops. The first one, Workin’ Out, is a weekly workshop that will continue next year. The other workshop, the Body Percussion workshop,

Posted in Aktivitäten, Aktivitäten für Erwachsene, Aktivitäten für Kinder, Projekte, Spielerische Workshops, Veranstaltungen, Workshops spielerisch | Leave a comment

Joi de joi – Free Parking Brașov -Parcul Tractorul

Ne pregătim pentru o vară activă şi relaxantă in parc! Mirakolix va fi în Parcul Tractorul în fiecare dupa-amiază de joi cu activităţi pentru toate vârstele. De când? Începând din 26 iunie 2014 și până la final de luna august. În prima joi, în 26.06 vrem să avem ceva mai multă muzică. Poate reuşim şi să cântăm împreună? Sportul şi

Posted in Aktivitäten, Aktivitäten für Erwachsene, Aktivitäten für Kinder, Eltern und Kinder beim Spiel, Outdoor-Aktivitäten, Outdoor-Aktivitäten, Spielerische Workshops, Spielprogramme, Veranstaltungen, Veranstaltungen für Kinder, Was wir machen, Workshops spielerisch | Leave a comment

Casa Familiale Întorsura Buzăului

The Casa Familiale in Întorsura Buzăului is hosting 12 children, two small girls, 4 and 7 years old, 2 older girls, 18 and 20 years old, 2 small boys, 7 years old and 6 boys from 14-17 years old. The atmosphere is really warm and the children are really curious about our activities, they are also proposing a lot of activities

Posted in Aktivitäten, Aktivitäten für Erwachsene, Aktivitäten für Kinder, Europäischer Freiwilligendienst, Outdoor-Aktivitäten, Outdoor-Aktivitäten, Projekte, Soziale Projekte, Spielerische Workshops, Spielprogramme, Workshops spielerisch | Leave a comment

“Playride” Projekt

Playride project – a new European Voluntary Service project The association „Centrul de jocuri Mirakolix” is coordinating the project „Playride” financed by the European Comission through the Program Youth in Action, Action 2 – European Voluntary Service. Duration of the project:  01st of August 2013 – 31th of October 2014 Duration of the volunteering stage: 01st of September 2013 –

Posted in Aktivitäten, Aktivitäten für Erwachsene, Aktivitäten für Kinder, Europäischer Freiwilligendienst, Outdoor-Aktivitäten, Projekte, Spielerische Workshops, Spielprogramme, Was wir machen, Workshops spielerisch | Leave a comment