“Scalone” – “The big stairs” (Italy)


Time: 10 min – 30 min

Recommended age: Eight to fifteen

Size of group: Two to eight

Time for preparation: 20 min

Material/Ressources: Chalk/adhesive tape & a little stone

Purpose: Fun (and building a strong calf)

Place/Location: Inside/outside



Draw the scalone field using chalk or adhesive tape as explained in the picture 1. Be sure that the panels are big enough for the players feet.


The player has to throw his stone into the first panel without crossing the pointed line before the field, then he jumps over the panel and into all the others(without touching the borders) until the end of the route, then he turns back and gets the stone back without touching the panel 1. If the player does something wrong his turn will end, but if he finishes the panel 1 challenge he can begin with the panel 2 and so on. In this game the winner is the one who completes the route first.


There’s no limit to the fantasy when it comes to arranging the panels.


If the panels are small the game could be a bit frustrating, so be sure to draw them big. Especially if you are a beginner.


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