The Cineforum Collection

This is an overview of the movies we have projected during the project Inside Journey and how they can broaden the horizon of the youngsters’ minds. The short movie descriptions were realised by Thomas van Uden – coordinator of the Cineforum sessions and volunteer in the frame of Inside Journey project. During January-June 2015 there were 20 movies sessions, during whom young people from Brașov were able to watch and discuss about different movie topics such as Fantasy, Social, Documentary, International, European Culture etc.

2015_The_Cineforum_Collection or click the image below



This useful activity resource was created by one of the international volunteers (Thomas van Uden) involved in the Inside Journey project. 
INSIDE JOURNEY project has been funded with support from the European CommissionThis communication reflects only the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of information contained herein.

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