Strong wind and something light flying there.
Children sliding down the hill.
Snow fight in the woods.
Wind gets stronger andthere is more and more snow all around
After some weeks of training and rehearsal, this contempory dance perfomance about blizzard takes on the 14th of February, in Laborazon Maker Space. European volunteers and Mirakolix ‘s friends perfom !
On the D-day, despite of the stress of Eglé, between fifty and sixty came to attend to this perfomance. Not just youngsters or hipsters students but also people of all ages. All the volunteers of Mirakolix are thankful for your participation. The atmosphere was particulary nice and warm.
We will try to create new perfomances like during the six next months so if you are interested in dance, in theater, in music or making videos you can contact or visit us in Mirakolix !!