The “Inside Journey” project will take place in Braşov, between 01.08.2014 and 31.11.2015. During 11 month of this period (01.10.2014 – 31.08.2015), 4 international volunteers coming from the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Spain will work together with the organization members, local volunteers and local youth workers to inspire an „inside” journey: in the local communities, and inside themselves, for self-development and self-awareness.

The project aims are stimulating personal resources of youngsters and design activities, which contribute to the personal and professional development of young people in Braşov. Moreover, the project aims are developing a proper environment for the international volunteers involved to learn and discover new things about themselves and about different cultures, and to integrate these elements in an individualized self-development process.


A. Developing personal and professional competences of youngsters through non-formal activities;

1. Developing the competences of EVS volunteers;

2. Facilitating the increase of competences for 100 youngsters from Braşov, by creating a regular program of informal and non-formal activities based on the identified needs;

3. Facilitating the development of emotional intelligence for 20 young people from Braşov, during a special program based on the needs discovered;

4. Supporting an active involvement of young people in the local community by promoting volunteering like an opportunity and a way to evolve – including the European Voluntary Service;

5. Creating different kinds of opportunities for youngsters to spend their free time, through activities that stimulate the experiential learning, the intercultural dialog, the social inclusion and solidarity;

6. Promoting the method of non-formal education and an healthy life style.

B. Facilitating the access of people with fewer opportunities in programs and different non-formal educational activities.

C. Developing alternative ways to spend free time for parents and children


Project activities have been planned a) to meet the needs identified within the project stakeholders; b) to create various learning contexts, including different methods mainly focused on participation and direct experimentation; c) to encourage intercultural communication and create awareness of the European dimension.

Thus the project is clearly defined in three time periods, which were configured according to the needs that CJM discovered in the preparation phase of the project. Nevertheless, this structure and the activities included here can be adapted and modified during the project, in accordance with the evolution of the project, to the volunteers’ interests and the feedback we will receive from the local community.

  • STAGE 1

(October 1, 2014 – January 15, 2015) is a period of adjustment, adaptation and integration, during which the volunteers will also plan, prepare and implement playful activities adapted to the specific target group, while promoting the activities via digital and non-digital channels.

The activities will be focused on exploring own interests and own behaviors, a process that will influence the further development of the project through discovering some common interests or some community problems, to which youngsters would like to find solutions and to be involved in solving them.

  • STAGE 2

(15 January-May 2015) – will be focused on implementing an educational program to develop emotional intelligence among youngsters from Braşov, especially young people with fewer opportunities, through different activities/workshops/events

  • STAGE 3

(June- August 2015) – will be focused on promoting the results of the project and on implementing personal projects of the volunteers, linked with the competences and abilities they developed until now together with the youngsters from the target groups.

The “Inside Journey”poject  is a partnership between the organization Mirakolix Game Center, as coordinating organization and host and sending organizations: Associazione Culturale Betty & Books in Italy, Coordinadora d’Organitzadors the Camps of Treball Internacionals de Catalunya (COCAT) of Spain, CJD Ruhrgebiet / CJD Zehnthof Standort Essen in Germany and the Netherlands Vrijwilligersprojecten SIW Internationale. 

INSIDE JOURNEY project has been funded with support from the European CommissionThis communication reflects only the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of information contained herein.

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