Mirco`s EVS project INSIDE JOURNEY

In the first period we got to know  each other and with the Romanian culture; in this period we also had the chance to have several brainstormings where everyone could express his/her own ideas for the project development.

The second step was selecting the fitting ideas and search for a way to promote them; that field was fitting my graphic skills, so I had the chance to create poster, flyers, header events and of course set up the design of the brand new Mirakolix blog http://cdjmirakolix.blogspot.ro/.

We finally started our activities: I’ve been the master of two different work-out workshops per week (one high intensity interval training and another one based on strenght skills), and of course i helped with the other activities, that were:

-Cineforum (all year long)

-Spanish lessons

-Body percussions

-Board game nights (in team with the volunteers of the other Mirakolix’s projects)

-Slacklining workshops (just during summer)

-international cooking (with the Mirakolix’s group “Inside Reshape”)

Of course during that period we didn’t stop communication: at each event we took photos and posted them on FB, with a brief description of our adventures; another good experience was  when we went to several schools to have my workout workshops and promote EVS and our activities.

When spring arrived, we set up an outdoor event called Brasov De Poveste  in collaboration with the volunteers of the other Mirakolix projects; We had the chance to have slacklining, games and DOY workshops in parks, and these events granted us a big participation.

For the Main event of the Year (Ceva de Vara Festival) I did a huge communication work, passing by flyers, posters, email banners and of course facebook, with the Ceva De Vara page.

The 2 Ceva de Vara days (18-19 –July) were for sure the highest peak in my developing process; except helping with the organization of it, I had 2 workout workshops per day, integrating the help of  the teenagers of Brasov Street workout, and I also could have every days some face painting sessions: it was really nice to communicate with children while painting on there faces anymals and monsters!!!

For the dissemination part i couldn’t do a lot  -since I’m leaving before the EVS end-, but  i provided some descriptions of what I did for the website and I will of course write articles for my sending organization blog; i will also have chance to make some speech in Bologna for people interested in doing an EVS.

Overall it was a wonderful experience, and I feel that we fulfilled the main aims of the project.

Brasov,               12/08/2015

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