Free Parking

Free Parking - 15 may 2014


- Enjoy one free afternoon in the park, free of charge. We will provide activities for the whole family; you just have to bring your kids, family or friends and food for a picnic.

So meet us in the centre of the park and enjoy; Workshops; Earth Art; Frisbee; Bike contest for the kids* and other sports activities.

Thursday 15th May 2014, from 17:30-20:30

Parcul Tractorul, Brasov

17:30 – The activities starts
17:30 – Earth Art, Picnic
18:00 – Bicycle contest
18:30 – Workshops (Board games, upcycled jewelry, Frisbee)

*Bring the bicycle for the children if you have one. 

This entry was posted in Aktivitäten, Eltern und Kinder beim Spiel, Europäischer Freiwilligendienst, Outdoor-Aktivitäten, Outdoor-Aktivitäten, Veranstaltungen, Veranstaltungen für Kinder. Bookmark the permalink.