Calendar si Evenimente

The Cineforum Collection
This is an overview of the movies we have projected during the project Inside Journey and how they can broaden the horizon of the youngsters’ minds. The short movie descriptions were realised by Thomas van Uden – coordinator of the Cineforum sessions and volunteer in the frame of Inside Journey project. During January-June 2015 there were 20 movies sessions, during whom young

18 steps to organise a youth camp
A useful material about some important steps in the preparation of a youth camp, which was created by Veronica Peral Galvez from Spain (former EVS volunteer and coordinator of the youth camp Festcamp Ceva de Vară). The material can be used by young people, who are eager to organise a camp, but do not know from where and with what

Baue deinen eigenen Vogelfütterer! (2)
Mache deinen eigenen Vogelfütterer aus alten Milch- oder Saftkartons, die du sonst wegwerfen würdest. Das ist einer der einfachsten Wege einen DIY-Vogelfütterer zu bauen: Was ihr benötigt: - einen Milch- oder Saftkarton - Scheren - ein Messer oder einen Nagel - einen Marker - Strick - verschiedene Samen (Haferflocken, Sesamsamen, Leinsamen, Sonnenblumensamen, oder auch eine Vogelfuttermischung aus dem Supermarkt)

“Planeta Mulţumesc” (“Thank you” Planet)
“Planeta Mulţumesc” is a series of activities developed by the Spanish EVS volunteer, Maria, in frame of “Science Playgrounds” project. The activities were implemented during the “Tolerance month” organized for the kindergarten children in Floroaia Mica school, Intorsura Buzaului. Description of the activities We meet a strange character who is coming from Mulțumesc Planet. He explains that he is lost