Calendar si Evenimente

Volunteer in Brașov and surroundings
We invite you to follow this MIX of pictures and sounds. They are revealing the rhythm which the Mirakolix team had together with the 5 EVS volunteers form PLAYRIDE project (Milda from Lithuania, Kathrin from Germany, Michal from Czech Republic, Coen from the Netherlands and Simon from France) and the 2 volunteers from Science Playgrounds project (Kristine from Denmark and Maria
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Curs de formare „Youth development through playing activities”
Acest video-material suprinde atmosfera de lucru și de învățare din cadrul training-ului „Youth development through playing activities”. Din dorința de a împărtăși cunoștințele, abilitățile și pasiunile noastre cu privire la învățarea prin joacă și cu ajutorul jocurilor, am strâns 28 de participanți internaționali într-un cadru natural impresionant. Mulțumim gazdelor noastre minunate de la Pensiunea Valea Paradisului din Măguri-Răcătău, jud. Cluj care în perioada
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Povestea SEV din proiectul „Play your way!”
Follow and listen to the story of the 4 EVS volunteers - Helene from Germany, Ieva from Latvia, Peter from Denmark and Gary from France. They were hosted by Mirakolix between the 01.10.12 and the 30.06.13 in the project PLAY YOUR WAY! The EVS volunteers promoted for 9 month PLAYING and GAMES as an attractive way of learning. More then 500 children of young
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