Calendar si Evenimente

PLAYRIDE project results
PLAYRIDE project took place in Brasov, Romania between 01.08.2013- 31.10.2014 and involved 5 volunteers from Lithuania, Czech Republic, France, Germany and The Netherlands. The 5 volunteers (Milda from Lithuania, Kathrin from Germany, Michal from Czech Republic, Coen from the Netherlands and Simon from France) spent between the 01.09.2013-31.08.2014 their European Voluntary Service in Romania, at the host organization: Game Center

Joi de joi – Free Parking Brașov -Parcul Tractorul
Ne pregătim pentru o vară activă şi relaxantă in parc! Mirakolix va fi în Parcul Tractorul în fiecare dupa-amiază de joi cu activităţi pentru toate vârstele. De când? Începând din 26 iunie 2014 și până la final de luna august. În prima joi, în 26.06 vrem să avem ceva mai multă muzică. Poate reuşim şi să cântăm împreună? Sportul şi

Casa Familiale Întorsura Buzăului
The Casa Familiale in Întorsura Buzăului is hosting 12 children, two small girls, 4 and 7 years old, 2 older girls, 18 and 20 years old, 2 small boys, 7 years old and 6 boys from 14-17 years old. The atmosphere is really warm and the children are really curious about our activities, they are also proposing a lot of activities

Birthday Calendar for the Casa Familiale
We created over some weeks a birthday calendar for the house, we combined this activity with some games in the mean time. The children divided the tasks, like creating, writing things, decorating and putting everything together in the end. All the children were included and we enjoyed the time together while the weather was not suitable for outside activities.

“Playride” Projekt
Playride project – a new European Voluntary Service project The association „Centrul de jocuri Mirakolix” is coordinating the project „Playride” financed by the European Comission through the Program Youth in Action, Action 2 – European Voluntary Service. Duration of the project: 01st of August 2013 – 31th of October 2014 Duration of the volunteering stage: 01st of September 2013 –